Stuck Pipe Prevention Training – Crew Petro

The field of drilling and mining have come a long way with advancement in technology and betterment of equipment used. Today, these fields have become so important, that several countries’ main source of income come from such activities.

From a time when a small deviation in the drilling process could cause heavy losses, the field has become a lot easier and convenient with the progress and development of new technologies. 

While it has been a significant activity in almost every single part of the world, it should be understood that there can be certain challenges, in spite of the latest technologies, and tackling these issues is vital. One of these challenges is a stuck pipe.

Stuck pipe refers to a situation where you are not able to rotate or move the drill string in any direction. It is one of the most expensive drilling problems because when the pipe is stuck it halts all the further operations until it is released. 

Basically when the drill gets stuck in the ground, a lot of processes are involved into making sure the drill doesn’t get spoiled or damaged. Nevertheless, it is still a very costly process and involves a lot of time and effort on the part of the workers. The need to educate workers through IADC Stuck Pipe training is important. 

Here Are Some Reasons Why:

1. High Costs: Stuck pipes are a major financial burden. The amount of money that will have to be invested as a result of a stuck pipe is humongous. Often companies make sure damage to their materials are covered by insurance, but nevertheless, it costs a lot of money.

Big companies make sure they train workers before they send them onto the field because they cannot afford monetary losses of such a degree. Therefore, it is better if such a trend is followed at every companies so as to avoid incurring a huge loss.

2. Time and effort involved: Another factor involved in such a phenomenon is the amount of time involved in overturning such an event. It usually takes hours to release the drill after it gets stuck and this results in the wastage of a lot of time since usually work cannot proceed if the drill gets stuck. The workers have to put in a lot of effort in order to make sure the materials don’t get damaged and this once again adds to the expense of the company. 

The workers will have to work extra hours because of the stuck pipe, in order to meet deadlines and targets.

3. Safety: Already deemed a dangerous profession, drilling is made a whole lot more dangerous as a result of stuck pipes. Sometimes using machines and other technical material alone won’t help in releasing the drill and workers might have to use their bare hands to make sure the drill doesn’t get damaged. 

While it might save a lot of time and money, it is also dangerous. Guiding the workers on how exactly to go by fixing the drill and avoid damaging it is important so as to make sure they are safe.

As can be seen, there is a need to make sure workers are informed about the dangers of the stuck pipes. While it is important to save costs and time, making sure the workers are safe is also all the more important. 

CrewPetro offers IADC certification training and aims to keep workers safe and at the same time keeps the drilling company’s interests in mind.

We understand the need for such a step and we look to provide as much help as we can so that such dangerous phenomena can be avoided and prevented.

Safety Factors to Remember Before Starting Drilling Work

When it comes to the use of drilling tools, little knowledge will take you forward to help you prevent any type of injuries and also prolongs the life of the tools. If you use a drill frequently, you should know the basics of using the drill safely and you must have a Safety Training session with professionals.

Drill works can be dangerous and will not be used properly. Every type of drill machine has some type of precaution to be taken care of when using. As drilling machines are the most dangerous hand-operated equipment. Safety training measures can help you eliminate certain accidents, loss of materials, and time. Below are some of the factors to be considered before starting drilling work.

Safety Factors to Remember Before Starting Drilling Work

These tips can also be a guide to train the trainer and the assessors who will be working in personnel in the Drilling Industry.

  • Avoiding Baggy Clothes: Wearing loose sleeves or jewellery and even your hair can be hazardous when you operate a drill machine. The spinning action of the cordless machine drill can easily catch and will tangle any loose objects. You should always wear short sleeves and tie your hair.
  • Wearing Protective Gears: Wearing safety goggles is always a good idea before starting drill work. Wear a breathing mask if the drilling work produces a lot of dust. Wearing gloves will protect your hands but should not be baggy. 
  • Secure the piece you will be working on: Ensure that the wood or the piece that you would be working on do not shift while drilling. Clamp it.
  • Use of Drill Stand: Drill stands work as a guide to the power drill. A drill stand can be used if you are drilling hard materials like glass or metal. 
  • Do not make any adjustment when the Drill Machine is operating
  • Always use a brush to clean away the dust
  • Ensure that the cutting tools are always running straight before you start the drilling work.
  • Wear eye protection before you plan to start your drilling work.

Things to Avoid before Starting Drilling Work

You should know the safety training methods before you start your drilling work. Avoid the below to stay safe.

  • Don’t set speeds, or adjust or even measure work unless you completely stop the machine
  • Do not try to force the drill machine with extra pressure
  • Never leave the chuck key in the drill chuck. Remove the key immediately.
  • Never hold your work with hand when you drill holes, always secure it with clamps
  • Try to place your hands beneath the stock that is being drilled.
  • Do not stop the rotation of the chuck and spindle it with your hand
  • Never try to remove the broken drill with a hammer
  • It is recommended not to leave the drill machine running unattended.

Safe Work Practices to be Aware When Using a Drill Press

  • Always wear appropriate safety glasses that are CSA certified
  • The Drill machine must have a start and stop button that can be easily reached
  • Ensure that the Drill machine as an emergency stop button that is working
  • Ensure that you have a shield or guard or a barrier in place and functional condition before starting drilling work.
  • If you are drilling metal, always lubricate the drill.
  • Always keep the drill bits clean and should be sharp. Dull drills can cause breakage.
  • Try to keep your working surface clean from any kind of scrap
  • Always keep the guards in the proper place and should be in working order. 

Bottom Line

You should always consider and utilize comprehensive safety training and follow the safety procedures before starting drilling work. The above factors need to be considered even to Train The Trainer, as training and development is the key to successful work. 

Also Read : Various Types Of Drilling Machine And Their Applications

Crewpetro Phils Services Co.

Crewpetro has successfully completed one year in the Philippines offering IADC Well Control & Safety Trainings to our clients & candidates working in companies such as DESCO, PGPC, Lepanto Mining, SOS, Halliburton, Atwood Oceanics, and Thermaprime etc.

Crewpetro has maintained its track of delivering quality-training programs that result in enhanced learning experience for all our candidates from the Island.

Within a year we have moved to a bigger facility to accommodate the increased class size and clients expectations from us. We now have two training rooms to handle multiple training requests at the same time.

We are also expecting our IWCF accreditation for our Manila center by August 2017 and this will make us the only Training company in the Philippines to have IWCF accreditation.

Crewpetro Phils is now offering all IADC accredited training courses from CEBU City! We are committed to empowering young Filipinos to join the Philippines and the International Oil & Gas industry.

We would like to thank all our clients and candidates in the Philippines for your support in our endeavor to provide high-quality education in the field of Oil & Gas.

Here are some of the benefits of taking an IADC accredited training course:

IADC accredited training courses are designed to meet the highest international standards for oil and gas safety and training.

IADC accredited training courses are taught by experienced and qualified instructors.

IADC accredited training courses are recognized by employers around the world.

If you are interested in a career in the oil and gas industry, Crewpetro Phils is the place to start. 

We offer a wide range of IADC accredited training courses, including:

  • Well Control
  • Safety
  • Drilling Fluids
  • Drilling Operations
  • Rig Pass

Contact us today to learn more about our IADC accredited training courses and how we can help you achieve your career goals.

IWCF eCerts – Digital Assessment Solution to increased speed and security

When it comes to booming industries with lucrative job opportunities, there is no doubt that the oil and gas corporations are one of them. With proper training and certification one can land himself a job that ensures monetary security and job satisfaction.

The International Well Control Forum or IWCF is an organization that provides training in this field. Holding an IWCF certification plays a key role in getting that important job.

As technology advanced so did education and training. The industry standard prestigious ICWF training recently went digital and introduced ecerts or E-Certificates which is a major leap in this industry.

The concept of providing e certification not only saves a lot of money for training providers but also creates a great overall assurance.

PROS OF eCerts:

1. Going online: It has become possible for IWCF eCerts to take the entire course online which is integrated with the digital assessment solution. It will result in improving the quality of the certificates and will enable them to be generated quickly so there is no chance of any delay.

2. Better assessment and flexibility: This digital assessment solution has made it possible for candidates to take the assessments online, thus also giving them the booking flexibility, instant re-assessments and instant delivery. Candidates can take both offline and online assessments where net connectivity needed only for scheduling and uploading results.

The introduction of the new optional grading system increases transparency, pass with merit being awarded to candidates securing 80-89% and pass with distinction for candidates securing 90-100%.

3. Tackle Fraud: Despite strict security measures, there still remains a chance of fraud. The introduction of eCerts adds built in meta data security measures which allows tracing the point of origin and prevents copying of certificates,

Additionally, through Mozilla’s open badges network, all the successful candidates are awarded a digital badge which the can share on social media channels to showcase and celebrate their achievement.

The introduction of eCerts has opened up a new world of opportunities and development for candidates and training companies alike.

Crewpetro, a privately owned training and recruitment company, is one the best providers of Iwcf Training in India. It has branch offices in Kerala and Mumbai while being headquartered in Gujarat, and global training centres in Abu Dhabi, Nigeria and Philippines.

Significant Reasons Behind Why Many Applicants Are Eyeing Oil And Gas Jobs

Many concerns surround the oil and gas industry across the globe. This is because of the shortages and demands for renewable energy concerns. However, this is the largest industry that provides almost three-quarters of energy supply in the UK. The production is also likely to increase in the next 15 years. 

Oil and gas are all about swiping into the planet’s resources, and people will always have a rationale to do this as a consequence. So it can be used for renewable energy or the present techniques. Technology is also on the increase in this sector. 

Thus you will always be learning new things. Even when resources become scarce, you will always have transferable skills that you can use in developing in other sectors. Having said that below are some of the significant reasons why many applicants eye for oil and gas jobs.

Diverse Work With The Industry

The oil and gas sector is all about dealing with machinery. Therefore job seekers will be determined to work in such areas, especially if you do not like an office environment. This is, consequently, a perfect environment with several variations. Nevertheless, most jobs in oil and gas are office and lab-based. Therefore, you will have an option of working in the environment you are comfortable in, and other jobs may not be able to offer.

Short Working Hours

This does not apply to all oil and gas sectors. If you work from the office, then you have to cover the office hours that is 7-8 hours per week. If you work offshore of an oil rig, you will be required to work for long hours and sometimes to extended shifts for about six weeks. However, once you have finished the extreme course, you will have a similar time off work. This means you will only be working for half a year.

You Can Earn The Big Bucks

Oil and gas is a lucrative industry as an engineer; your salary will be as high as 30,000 pounds once you have gained advanced knowledge on the field. Therefore in this industry with qualified Oil And Gas Training From The Philippines, you have a great opportunity of climbing your career and increasing your salary significantly.

Advanced Technology

Oil and gas industry used advanced technology in all its operations to acquire top results. Here, you will always be learning new technological methods as well as how well you can implement them in the best possible way to improve the performance of the industry. When you develop your knowledge and skills while working, you will be adding an extra string to your career.

Improving Educational Background

There are increased apprehensions over sustainability. Because of this oil and gas industry requires many people so that they can give suggestions on how to get fuel from different parts of the planet. If you are from the environmental study background, then you can efficiently work in this sector. In this way, you will play a significant role in reaching out for solutions that the industry will want to be attained. It is, therefore, because of the wide variety of opportunities in this industry that brings more applicants to look for jobs related to oil and gas.

The Good Opportunity Of Travelling Across The World

Every continent across the globe demands oil. Once you have been trained in Oil And Gas Training Centres From Kerala, the world will be your oyster. You will have the opportunity of travelling everywhere around the globe. When you work on the offshore shift, you will be assigned different places to visit. This is the perfect opportunity of touring the world while developing your career

Training Opportunities

Oil and gas industry is the centre for training in the Philippines. Most employers, therefore, ensure that their staff has the best oil and gas training since they want to retain their talents. Employers are also willing to offer perks of bonuses and other rewards to their employers to ensure they are comfortable while doing their work. Employees, on the other hand, will feel appreciated and perform the job to the best. With all these benefits, every applicant will wish to work in such an industry.

Finally, to get a job in the oil and Gas Company, you do not need to go to the most prominent companies to make your dream a reality. Instead, you can work your way up by starting with smaller companies in the same industry while gaining more experience. As the oil and gas sector continues to develop, the smaller companies will also be growing, and hence you have a chance of working in such significant oil and gas sectors.

Also Read : Process Safety For Oil and Gas Industry: Tips For Employers

IADC Trainings and Certification Programs – Crew Petro

International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), exclusively represents the worldwide oil and gas drilling industry with the aim for the drilling industry to be recognised for its essential role in enabling the global economy along with high standards of safety and operational efficiency.

IADC Training programs have different sub parts including WellSharp, RigPass and DIT. These are accredited training programs and on successful completion of the training, the students receive a Certificate of Completion. Crew Petro India has briefly explained these programs below:

IADC WellSharp Program: It is a revolutionary well control training and assessment program where trainees get in-depth knowledge along with role-specific skills which gives them the confidence to know what is to be done to prevent incidents and how to react appropriately in unexpected situations.

This program has been developed using benchmarks and criteria provided by operators, drilling contractors, professional trainers and well control specialists to ensure that every aspect is covered efficiently.

IADC RigPass Program: This is an accreditation system aimed at delivering standardized safety orientation programs to employees preparing them for all types of operating environment. This program is specially designed to fulfil two requirements:

1) Identifying the core elements of safety orientation programs
2) Providing a means of recognition to the programs that cohere these elements.

This accreditation is open to all drilling and ancillary service contractors, commercial providers and educational institutions and agencies.

IADC DIT Program: The Drilling Training Accreditation Systems (DIT) offers two types of accreditation courses i.e. Individual course which is an instructor-led classroom module and the other one that is offered is electronic course which is a computer-based distance learning training. 

The main purpose of this accreditation is to provide review and recognition for training products and providers, ensuring that courses are conducted by different accredited institutes while meeting the minimum standards.

Crew Petro India, has an international reach having branches in Philippines and Nigeria. They provide efficient IADC Trainings in India, Philippines and Nigeria.

Also Read : IADC Rig Pass – Technical Oil and Gas Safety Training Course

Acquire a Complete knowledge of Drilling Fluids Technology with CrewPetro

The Drilling fluid system, also called the mud system, is part of the well-construction process and is the only part of the system that has contact with the bore well throughout the drilling process. Drilling fluid technological advancements have brought into existence a cost efficient and well suited system for each step of the well construction operation.

The drilling fluids clean the hole by transporting the cuttings outside, from where it can be removed before the fluids are recirculated. It balances the formation pressure in order to minimize the risk of certain issues.

The system supports and stabilizes the bore well’s walls until the casing and cement are set or open well machinery is installed. It also reduces the damage to the producing formations and regulates the temperature of the drill string.

With so many types and functions of the drilling fluid system it is best to get training to operate and work with the system properly. It is possible to avail oil and gas trainings in Philippines and to learn similar techniques through oil and gas training in Kerala. With companies like CrewPetro coming up training has become more accessible around the world.

CrewPetro’s Drilling Fluids Technology course for 5 days provides a complete understanding of drilling fluids and their functions for all those interested in drilling and completion engineering.

The course aims to familiarize its participants with the drilling fluid technology by helping the team acquire a thorough and complete knowledge of drilling fluids and rheology.

The course also teaches them how to choose the right equipment for solid removal and teaches them how to design a Mud System. The scope leaves scope for customization in case the client or participant has any special requirements or specifications.

The instructor at CrewPetro for this course is Dr. Milap Goud, who is an innovative thinker, an eminent personality and is an entrepreneur. He has associations with IIT Mumbai and MIT Pune and has had 40 years of industry exposure but remains rooted to the academic world.

Also Read : Safety Factors to Remember Before Starting Drilling Work

Gain comprehensive knowledge of IWCF Well Control Training with CrewPetro

IWCF or International Well Control Forum is the only independent body focused on oil and gas well control training and accreditation. With set standards of training and through a global network of branches, it is committed to delivering a permanent change in process safety and operations throughout the life cycle of a well. By collaborating with the industry, it is helping to increase competency and change behavior.

This program is specifically designed for people working in critical positions on drilling installations as well as onshore. The candidates will be completing an IWCF accredited training course, taught according to IWCF syllabus in order to prepare them for assessment.

Crew Petro is organizing a 5 day IWCF Training program in India. During the course, the candidates will gain a comprehensive knowledge of well control theory and master the practical skills in order to apply this knowledge to efficiently handle most situations. Successful completion of the IWCF training course will result in IWCF Well Control Level 3 or Level 4 certification which is valid for two years.

Different levels of training are designed specifically for different target audiences:

Level 2 – Assistant Drillers, Derrickmen, Mud Engineers, Mudloggers and Offshore Installation Managers (OIMs)

  • It consists of two written assessments. And if passed certificate is valid for 5 years
  • Drilling and Wells Personnel Basic Training

Level 3 – Drillers, Assistant Drillers, Derrickman, OIMs and Mud Engineers

  • It consists of two written assessments and a practical assessment using simulator equipment.
  • Available for any role expected to shut in a well

Level 4 – Drilling Superintendents, Drilling Engineers, Drilling Supervisors.

  • Same as Level 3
  • Well site supervisor training

Candidates can opt to undertake either Surface BOP operations or Combined Surface and Subsea operations.

The course will cover a wide range of topics like:

  • Well barriers
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Well Control Definitions and Concepts
  • Kick Tolerance
  • Kick causes
  • Shallow gas
  • Well Control Preparation
  • Well Shut-in Procedures
  • Well Control Procedures
  • Vertical vs Deviated Well Control
  • Well Control Equipment

Only one type of assessment is allowed for each candidate at a certification session. Minimum 70% marks are required by the candidate to pass and obtain a certificate.

Each candidate is required to complete two written test papers which include multiple choice questions and Kill Sheet calculations. Duration of the examination is between 1.5 to 2.5 hours. 

Candidates must also be able to identify equipment components and operating procedures using diagrams and schematics. For this, the candidate is allotted 1 hour.

Independent approved and registered invigilators by the IWCF conduct the written test at approved centers.

Crew Petro is conducting the training for IWCF Certification in India (Gujarat and Kerala), Philippines (Quezon City and Cebu), Nigeria and Abu Dhabi.

Reach out to us at or email us at We hope to see you there soon!

Also Read : Well Control Training Faq: Who Requires It And Why Is It Important

Online Training Course For Oil And Gas Safety Management Program

The Oil and Gas industry is essential for the progress of a country. This is because the industry provides vital energy that facilitates industrial growth. However, the industry’s working environment is plagued by diverse risks. Hence, the personnel needs to have the right training for them to operate the complex machinery safely. Oil And Gas Training In Kerala will also enable the person to work safely with hazardous substances and other departments that have different occupational dangers. 

Examples of these hazards include fire and explosions; confined spaces; falls; ergonomic dangers; vehicle collisions; machine hazards; caught-between/caught-in/struck-by; electrical hazards; high-pressure equipment, e.t.c. The online oil and gas training course in the Philippines is crucial and mandatory for staff and personnel.

There are several online course modules that constitute the whole safety management program. These modules include safety culture, training, and education, working with contractors, hazard prevention and control, involvement in safety, and well site analysis. After the completion of the training courses, the individual is ready to work safely in an oil and gas facility. 

When the person completes the Oil And Gas Training In Kerala, there are several aspects that benefit them and the industry at large. Some of these benefits include;

  • Requisite knowledge is imparted that is vital in the creation of a relevant Safety Culture that encompasses short term and long term plans.
  • Understanding the particular methods that are mandatory for hazard prevention and control.
  • Leadership skills will enable the employees to implement effective team engagement that will spur progress.
  • Professionalism in handling diverse obligations and instructions within the oil and gas industry.
  • Ability to work efficiently and effectively with the equipment and materials in the oil and gas sector.
  • Development of skills necessary to spur progress that will ensure the accomplishment of company goals.

These Benefits Of Oil And Gas Training in the Philippines are essential subjectively and objectively. This is because they help the employees work safely, professionally, and effectively thus improving the overall output in the oil and gas industry.

The oil and gas training courses in Kerala should be done at an internationally recognized institution. This is because only internationally recognized accreditation proves the employees’ qualifications. Moreover, due to technological advancement, the employees are required to update their training periodically. This will enable them to familiarize themselves with the latest progress in technology, equipment, and techniques in the oil and gas industry. 

Few examples of accredited European institutions that provide the training include;

  1. The Nautical Institute
  2. International Marine Contractor Association IMCA
  3. The DNV
  4. First Point Assessment – the oil and gas chain database for The Netherlands and The United Kingdom

The particular oil and gas training methodology in Kerala might differ between different bodies and institutions. However, the course should have active participation through case studies, exercises, and open discussions. Online training courses should utilize video tutorials. Effective discussions and tutorials from diverse delegates are quite helpful.

The oil and gas training in the Philippines is essential for personnel in different echelons of the industry. For instance, the course is suitable for the following people, maintenance personnel; managers; production and processing personnel; team leaders; supervisors; personnel involved in developing skills in the industrial zone; and personnel involved in the planning and implementation of the company’s HSE management protocol. This will ensure that everyone in the industrial zone has the requisite training to enable him/her to work safely.

Online Oil And Gas Training In The Philippines is essential for the development of the oil and gas industry. This is because the employees will have the skills to spur development in the sector, thus helping the whole nation achieve its industrial objectives.

IADC Course Training And Certification

IADC rig pass training program is an accreditation system delivering a standardized training on safety orientation program for new employees. It prepares the employees for almost any operating environment, at nearly any site, both onshore and offshore. The IADC rig passes accreditation program is designed to meet two key objectives. The first is to provide the means of recognizing programs that comply with safety elements. The second is to identify the vital elements of safety orientation for new employees.

These courses must meet and exceed the curriculum requirements necessary for IADC training at SafeGulf and Safe Land. This enhances the achievement of a standardized orientation training program accreditation. Completing an IADC Rig Pass Training for an accredited program confirms that personnel has qualified for basic requirements defined by safety and training professionals in the drilling industry, irrespective of the rig’s geographical location. Below are the critical curriculum objectives:

  • Promote awareness-level training to conduct safe operations for land-based and marine-based facilities
    Enhance and build the awareness of each worker’s responsibility to protect their safety and the safety of others, especially the co-workers, the public, and environmental protection.
  • Inspiring the growth of an active safety mindset that asks questions, where safety is not assured can necessitate the termination of the job and look for increased work operation safety
  • To prepare the workers for IADC training in safe operations and compliance with the company policies and procedures.
  • To help the new employees become the contributing members of a safe, successful work crew.

IADC Rig Pass Course Information: 

Any interested person upon payment of the necessary fee can undertake IADC training irrespective of his location globally. There are many forms of training methods available that are not constrained by geographical or language barriers. A group of people can undertake IADC training in India through classroom training and field training for three days. This training is reserved for any person directly or indirectly involved with the offshore or onshore oil and gas industry. An IADC training also involves offering courses to new employees and preparing them to work in almost any environment or at any geographical site.

IADC Rig Pass Certification: 

An onshore and offshore endorsement is issued to candidates on completion of the course. This is a recognized certificate worldwide. It proves that the trained personnel has met all the requirements as defined by safety and training professionals In the drilling industry, irrespective of whether the person had an Iadc Training In India. However, this is achieved when the students have completed the course program. Followed by a written and practical test of which the student must pass.

For example, a student starting an IADC training in India will have the Course materials provided at the start of each course. The trainee brings along a pen and notepad for taking notes and a calculator. Information about special requirements for the course will then be provided in the course instructions via email before the beginning of the course.

Course Instructors: 

They are drawn from a wide range of consulting industry experts available within the oil and gas industry. They are selected from the global arena based on their specific areas of expertise, teaching and speaking ability, and the instructors’ speaking and instructional experiences. With these, the curriculum is offered through an interactive IADC training on an online or classroom platform. The instructors develop the relevant course material for the topics they teach, and the course material remains their property. They are also encouraged to update their course materials to keep pace with the changing trends.

This is a brief outlook of achieving an international accreditation for drilling contractors, IADC rig pass training from wherever a person is global.