IADC Trainings and Certification Programs – Crew Petro

International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), exclusively represents the worldwide oil and gas drilling industry with the aim for the drilling industry to be recognised for its essential role in enabling the global economy along with high standards of safety and operational efficiency.

IADC Training programs have different sub parts including WellSharp, RigPass and DIT. These are accredited training programs and on successful completion of the training, the students receive a Certificate of Completion. Crew Petro India has briefly explained these programs below:

IADC WellSharp Program: It is a revolutionary well control training and assessment program where trainees get in-depth knowledge along with role-specific skills which gives them the confidence to know what is to be done to prevent incidents and how to react appropriately in unexpected situations.

This program has been developed using benchmarks and criteria provided by operators, drilling contractors, professional trainers and well control specialists to ensure that every aspect is covered efficiently.

IADC RigPass Program: This is an accreditation system aimed at delivering standardized safety orientation programs to employees preparing them for all types of operating environment. This program is specially designed to fulfil two requirements:

1) Identifying the core elements of safety orientation programs
2) Providing a means of recognition to the programs that cohere these elements.

This accreditation is open to all drilling and ancillary service contractors, commercial providers and educational institutions and agencies.

IADC DIT Program: The Drilling Training Accreditation Systems (DIT) offers two types of accreditation courses i.e. Individual course which is an instructor-led classroom module and the other one that is offered is electronic course which is a computer-based distance learning training. 

The main purpose of this accreditation is to provide review and recognition for training products and providers, ensuring that courses are conducted by different accredited institutes while meeting the minimum standards.

Crew Petro India, has an international reach having branches in Philippines and Nigeria. They provide efficient IADC Trainings in India, Philippines and Nigeria.

Also Read : IADC Rig Pass – Technical Oil and Gas Safety Training Course