About IADC Well Sharp
The IADC WellSharp Certification offers the building blocks for a comprehensive well control culture throughout the organization. At the Introductory Level, WellSharp training provides basic well control knowledge for floorhands, derrick workers and non-technical personnel. The Fundamental and Supervisory Levels address practical well control skills for derrick workers, assistant drillers, drillers, Toolpusher, superintendents and drilling foreman. The training is held at the center in India (Gujarat & Kerala), Philippines (Quezon City & Cebu), Nigeria & Abu Dhabi.
Enhanced assessment process:
A significantly improved assessment process for IADC WellSharp program will ensure integrity and international uniformity:
- Centralized electronic testing system, including random test generation
- Immediate test results and feedback based on learning objectives
- Independently proctored assessments