About 30 days Roustabout & Floorman Training
The 30 day roustabout career based training is recommended for individuals who intend to stay and work hard in oilfield, the course is design to include drilling programs, hands-on rig training and industry safety programs. Life skills and job readiness will also be included during the program.
This program will provide an individual with an in-depth knowledge of drilling operations and safety applications tailored specific to working on a drilling rig or work providing a service or supply to the drilling industry.
The training is a combination of instructor lecture, videos and rig training (land rig).
Course content
History Of Petroleum
Introduction to Rotary Table
Upon completion of study, students are required to complete a 1 hour closed book final exam with a minimum pass mark of 70 percent
In addition, the following programs are to be completed.
IADC WellSharp – Introductory Level, IADC Rigpass, IADC DIT Courses (H2S Awareness, Basic First Aid & CPR)
Course Fee: Rs. 100,000 + 18% GST (Includes food & lodging facility in Mehsana, does not include travelling cost to Mehsana)
Location: Mehsana / Kerala
Certificates: Students will get course completion certificate from Crewpetro and 4 certificates of IADC after successful completion of each IADC course.